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In this blog we will try to solve some of the doubts about EVS (What is it?, How to apply?...). Also, we are going to share our experiences and feelings as volunteers in The Czech Republic. With this blog we want to motivate those interested in doing an EVS and having unforgettable experiences in one of the EU countries.

What is Youthpass?

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Hello everyone, 

Today, I would like to write about one of the most important aspects and useful during our EVS project. I mean a tool called Youthpass, which main objective is to support the employability of young people and of youth workers by documenting the acquisition of key competences on a certificate.

Here I give you some information about what actually Youthpass is? What is it for? How to generate youthpass certificate?, etc.

Answering the first question, youthpass is a way for participants in the Youth in Action Programme to describe what they have done during their projects and show what they have learnt. Starting with Youth Exchanges, EVS and Exchange Courses, every participant will have the opportunity to get their Youthpass and show what they have done. 

I am not going to go into much more detail in this article about what is Youthpass and how Youthpass can be used and the different steps needed to make the most of the opportunities involved. Nevertheless, I include some information to make sure there is no confussion about what Youthpass is. 

Youthpass is:
  • A confirmation of participation by the organisers os a specific activity. 
  • A certificate for people participant in Youth in Action Programme Activities. 
  • A tool which puts the Key competences for Lifelong Learning to practice. 
  • An explanation of Youth in Action Programme activities which can be understood by people outside the youth.

But, Youthpass is not: 

  • Something which gives any rights to the holder. 
  • A formal acreditation of competences. 
  • A replacement for any formal qualifications. 

Once we know more about what is Youthpass , it’s time to know how to create our own Youthpass. To do it you just have to visit the next webpage and follow the steps: https://www.youthpass.eu/da/youthpass/youthpass/

The information to write this article was provided from the official webpage of Youthpass: https://www.youthpass.eu/en/youthpass/ 

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