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In this blog we will try to solve some of the doubts about EVS (What is it?, How to apply?...). Also, we are going to share our experiences and feelings as volunteers in The Czech Republic. With this blog we want to motivate those interested in doing an EVS and having unforgettable experiences in one of the EU countries.

Finding differences

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016


In this article I will point some of the differences I have found in the last months between Spain and The Czech Republic. It is true that both countries have much in common, for example both are Catholic and belong to the European Union. But, there are also some differences.


For example, one of the biggest differences I have found is terms of the weather. When I came to The Czech Republic, the temperature in Spain was 16 degrees and when I got here, I found a temperature of minus 8 degrees. Luckily, I had brought a lot of winter clothes and it was not a big problem for me.

In terms of traditions, I have also found differences, for example Spanish people have lunch at 2 or 3 p.m. and in Czech Republic at 12 a.m. In the same way, Spanish people have dinner at 8 or 9 p.m. and here in The Czech Republic at 6 p.m. 

It was also new to me that everyone takes off shoes to enter homes or some places, because in Spain you can enter to all places with your shoes without any problem. 

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